34 Crucial Tips for Your Next Job Interview


Don't be fooled by the source: the tips in this infographic aren't just for college students interviewing for their first job. Nor are they just tips for law students. Indeed, as both a career coach for lawyers and as a former hiring attorney, I can assure you that many, many attorneys need these reminders. While experienced lawyers and job candidates don't tend to make the errors in wardrobe and body language that many junior attorneys and law students do, they do often fail to prepare as well as they should. In particular, lawyers of all levels should remember to do some research before walking into a job interview:

  • The employer, it's industry, and it's mission

  • The actual role you're interviewing for, including the company's (or clients) philosophy on the role of lawyers

And don't forget to spend time reviewing your resume, thinking about:

  • Why you made the decisions you made,

  • What you learned from your experiences, and

  • What impact you had on your clients.

All this preparation will have the added benefit of giving you more confidence - one of the greatest predictors of career success.
