Take On TED

If you haven’t yet heard of TED, then… well, it’s time to hear about TED. It started in 1984 as a conference focused on Technology, Entertainment, Design (hence, “TED”), and has grown dramatically in size, scope, and importance. There are now TED conferences all over the world, bringing leaders of thought and industry together to discuss visions of a better future and paths to attain it.

What’s particularly wonderful about TED is that many presentations (most less than 20 minutes) are available on its website: http://www.ted.com

Now, you may be asking yourself, “How is TED relevant to my legal career?”

In the short-term view, it’s not.

However, if you take a broader view, TED can change your outlook and what you believe is possible. TED speakers are not just leaders in their fields; they are leaders with creative vision, who apply radical ways of thinking to perplexing problems and, as a result, come up with revolutionary ideas and products. So, if you’re really interested in taking your career—and yourself—to a higher plane, then take the TED challenge:

1. Visit to the website, http://www.ted.com.

2. Listen to some of the TEDTalks.

3. Focus on the principles and thought-processes that led these luminaries to their discoveries and achievements.

4. Think about what might happen if you applied the same principles and thought-processes to your career development.

Don’t stop at thinking; apply these principles and thought-processes to find out for yourself the discoveries to which they can lead