Resume Tips from a Google Recruiter


Google gets 3 million resumes a year. 

But that's not the only reveal in a Fast Company interview with a former recruiter in Google's network operations division, whose tips apply to resumes for lawyers as well. Here are some principals from Lydia Dishman's "A Former Google Recruiter Reveals the Biggest Resume Mistakes: You Lean to Spot Mistakes Fast When You Review 3 Million Resumes a Year" interview with Scott Bacon (now a senior talent advocate at Hired):

  • Easy-to-read formatting matters.

  • If the recruiter can't get the gist of your resume in 6 seconds, then she'll likely move on.

  • Focus on the value you bring rather than what you want.

  • Target the resume to the employer and the position.

  • Balance responsibilities with accomplishments.

  • Remember the internal recruiter and HR personnel don't have subject matter expertise in your area.

One of the key take-aways remains that "3 million resumes per year" figure. That's a lot of noise for even the best legal resume to fight through. It's also why networking and personal connections remain one the key factors in a successful job search.